Subject: HP+ Topcards for the HP Commerci Author: MALIBU ENTERPRISE Uploaded By: DannyG8862 Date: 9/18/1997 File: HPBACK.ZIP (2795 bytes) Estimated Download Time (46456 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 91 Equipment: HP 95LX, HP 100LX OR HP 200LX Needs: Mac or PC Unzip Utility Keywords: announcement HP95 HP100 HP200 commercial adverstisement topcard DOWNLOAD & RECIEVE YOUR PERSONAL BACKROUND TODAY! -------- Please note that the PDA Forum staff nor AOL endorse any commerical offers. Using software/shareware or taking advantage of any items for sale is the responsiblity of the downloader. -------- All files are checked for viruses before being made available online. This file can be found in the PDA Software Library. Keyword PDA. * This program has been uploaded and posted with the express permission of the author.